If you are filing for divorce, you are naturally going to want to resolve it quickly. After all, dealing with all the emotions surrounding a divorce is difficult and even uncomfortable. It can only feel natural to want to move on with your life. However, rushing a divorce can lead to many mistakes that you just don't want to make. Here are four specific reasons why rushing your divorce should not be done:

  1. You Are Planning Your Future: Going through the divorce process is more than separating from your spouse. The divorce process is also going to layout your future. If you don't make the right plants with your divorce, it can destroy your future post-divorce. You want to be sure that you are able to continue living comfortable after your divorce. You should be able to see your children regularly and have enough money to maintain your current lifestyle. 
  2. You Make Rash Financial Decisions: When you rush your divorce, you are more likely to settle for anything to get it over with. The problem with this is that you could make a rash financial decision that leaves your spouse with more than what you would've liked to bargain for if you were not rushing the process. You want to resolve long-term solutions, not short-term that is only going to give you what you want for now. 
  3. You Have Unresolved Problems: Rushing a divorce, ironically enough can just prolong the process. This is because, once the divorce is finalized, you may have unresolved problems that you need to take to court later. For example, a custody arrangement that you end up not being happy with or financial problems that were not discussed originally, such as the payments on a property you owned together.
  4. You Don't Hire a Lawyer: When you rush the divorce process, you are less likely to take the time to hire a lawyer, which is especially damaging if your spouse hired a lawyer. You don't want your rights taken advantage of and a lawyer will ensure that this is not the case. Plus, your lawyer can actually save you time by putting together your financial records for you to determine what a fair outcome of the divorce would look like for you. 

When you know these four reasons not to rush your divorce, you can be sure that you are making the best possible decisions, which is important for your life post-divorce. Contact a lawyer, like Campbell, Dille, Barnett & Smith, P.L.L.C., for more help.
