If you've been hit by a careless driver and now find yourself dealing with the injury and all the rest of the misery that can result from something like this, you undoubtedly deserve compensation. While taking on the task of dealing with insurance agencies and your claim while being hurt can be a challenge, you must consider taking action a top priority in your efforts to get your life back to normal again. To learn a more about what insurance means to your accident claim, read on.

What insurance company is responsible?

For people dealing with a wreck for the for first time, and even for people who've had their share of accidents, there is a fair share of confusion about who should be paying for your damages. There are two basic scenarios for accidents and insurance:

1. You get hit by another driver and the other driver has insurance. You will be dealing with the other driver's insurance carrier for damage claims.

2. You get hit by another driver and the other driver has either no insurance or insufficient insurance. To get your car fixed and your medical bills paid, you must pursue a claim with your own insurance company.

Filing suit against the other guy

Since most people do have auto insurance, in most cases you will be dealing with the other guy's carrier. Usually, their insurance will cover your car repair or replacement and your medical bills. If it initially appears to the insurance company that you were not at fault, they will likely offer you a settlement, often right away. Insurance companies are banking on you simply accepting that quick (and often inadequate) offer so that the whole thing can just go away, but be extremely cautious about the offer. Without the help of a personal injury attorney, you may be settling for far less than you deserve.

Filing suit against your own carrier

If you were the victim of a hit and run or the other guy is uninsured, you may have to file a claim with your own insurance. It is at this point that many accident victims are in for a big surprise when they fail to get their own insurance company's full attention or cooperation in paying out on a claim. It cannot be overemphasized that insurance companies, even your own, are in the business of making money, not to help you when you get in an accident. When it's time to try to recoup some of those thousands and thousands of dollars you have paid for your insurance, you may find yourself frustrated and in financial deep water.

Get the compensation you need and deserve

The key to getting the insurance companies to pay up is legal representation. Auto accident attorneys will know what you deserve and exactly how to get it, whether that be by negotiating with an insurance company or taking them to court. Talk to a lawyer today and get your life back.
