Summer is a great time to get out on the water and enjoy time with your friends. Unfortunately, many of the US waterways can end up looking like national highways during a holiday traffic jam, especially over the summer. With all the boating activities going on, and the availability of alcohol on the water, accidents are bound to happen. If you're involved in a boating accident this summer, and you were one of the passengers, you need to act fast to protect your rights. You might not realize this, but as the victim of a boating accident, you have the same rights as you would if you'd been in a car accident. Here are four steps you've got to take after a boating accident.

Seek Medical Help as Soon as You Get to Shore

If you sustain injuries in a boating accident, the most important thing you'll need to do is seek medical help as soon as you get to shore. You'll want to visit an emergency room as soon as possible so that your injuries can be documented. It's important to note that some of your injuries might not be apparent right away. Don't assume that you're fine just because you don't have visible injuries. It's best to be examined by a physician as soon as possible.

Gather Information for All Boating Operators Involved

If there were several boats involved in the accident, you'll need to gather information for each boat operator that was involved. The information you'll gather will be similar to what you'd gather after a car accident. You'll need to gather the operators names, addresses and phone numbers, as well as information regarding their boating insurance. It's also a good idea to get the contact information for the passengers who were on the boats. That way you'll have all the information you'll need to file an insurance claim, and to provide to the authorities.

File a Report with the US Coast Guard or Maritime Police

If you're involved in a boating accident this summer, you can't assume that someone else will file a report. You'll need to do that for yourself. Since it's a boating accident, you'll need to file a report with the US Coast Guard, or area Maritime police. Be sure to obtain a copy of the accident report for your files. You'll need it for your insurance claim.

Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

If you're dealing with the aftermath of a boating accident, and you sustained injuries, you need to hire a personal injury lawyer Having a personal injury attorney during this time will ensure that you avoid mistakes along the way. This is particularly important when it comes to dealing with insurance companies. Law firms like Arias Law Firm, P.A. will work hard to make sure your rights are protected. 
