If you've been hurt by a careless driver, you may be eager to get things back to normal again. Most victims long to return to their homes, jobs, and spending time with their families. Part of that return to normal may include dealing with the financial impact of the accident. Those owed a large sum of money by the at-fault driver may have medical bills piling up and have run out of sick leave from their jobs. If this sounds familiar, you may need to take a deep breath and think carefully about your next move. Here's what you need to know.

Money May Be Offered

To make things easier for accident victims, a settlement might be offered. That means a victim can be paid right away instead of taking the case to court. In many cases, settlements present victims with a quick and efficient way to get things back to normal again. However, accident settlements are only as good as the terms. Terms include not just the total you are paid but the forms of damages covered. In some cases, the other driver's insurer won't offer you an adequate settlement.

Know What an Adequate Settlement Looks Like

It can be difficult for accident victims to know what they should be paid from the other side. It's not just about medical bills and the wrecked vehicle, though some victims think being paid for just those things is okay. However, accident damages should cover all the ways your life has been affected by the accident, both now and in the future. That can mean being paid for:

  • All medical bills past, present, and future. You will need to have expert help to determine future medical needs if your injury is one that might take a long time to fully heal or that is permanent.
  • Pain and suffering. This form of damage gets left out of many settlements because victims don't realize that they are entitled to be paid for the general misery and pain the accident has caused.
  • Lost wages. Both ones that cover all the time you've missed earning income and for any lost career opportunities as well.
  • Personal property losses. Damages go beyond your wrecked vehicle and may cover child car-seats, clothing, electronic devices, and pets.

Accident victims may be contacted by the other side with an accident settlement offer as soon as a few weeks after the wreck. It's best not to deal directly with the other side after an accident, however. Instead, get a lawyer on your side. Speak to a car accident lawyer about your case and let them do the heavy lifting required to get you the money damages you need. Contact a car accident lawyer for more information. 
